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Indian Head Massage

What is it?

This treatment is decadent, warming, luxurious, and thoroughly relaxing. Heated oils, hot towels, and focused massage techniques are utilized for the upper arms, neck, shoulders, scalp and face. Although the Indian Head Massage focuses only on the upper body, you will walk away from this treatment with your whole body feeling melty, happy, and both pleasantly refreshed and tranquil - head to toe!


What to Expect...

Coconut oil (or alternate oil of your choice) is heated to perfection and gently poured over the upper arms and along the collar bone, then drizzled over the temples, forehead, and through the hair. After each oil pour professional massage techniques are performed to alleviate tension and stress, increase endorphins, and facilitate a deeply relaxing and lavish experience. 


If requested, essential oils or massage for the hands or feet can be incorporated. We forget how much tension we can literally be holding, and how lovely it is to open our hands and have them thoroughly relaxed!


The treatment concludes with a steady and plentiful supply of hot towels for the upper body. Heat is gently pressed onto the upper body, and a cool towel is offered at the end to help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Get ready to be wrapped up in a warm and cozy hot towel cocoon!

Anticipated Results…

Progressively any stress, tension, or pain you arrive with blissfully evaporates and is replaced with a sense of calmness, lightness, and warmth. You can anticipate feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, comfortable, warm, and saturated with enriching oils and good vibes!


Side note: the Indian Head Massage is offered as a stand-alone treatment and as an add-on service too! You can mix and match your treatment types to get the best of both worlds - enjoy a clinically therapeutic session, and then add on the Indian Head Massage to reap the benefits of both!


Who can benefit the most from Indian Head Massage?

If you suffer from upper back and neck pain and tension, TMJD, sinusitis, insomnia, headaches and migraines, grief, chronic stress or an overactive mind, this treatment is for you. With such specific work concentrating on the neck, scalp, and face, we have the opportunity to open up these structures thoroughly. 

This provides effective relief of these discomforts, and replaces it with a feeling of ease and quiet delight. 

Additionally, the Indian Head Massage is a great moisturizing treatment for the skin and hair! 

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