School Professional Development
What is it?
The School Professional Development service is focused on providing those who work with children and families with the tools and knowledge to assist learning, support optimal neural and cognitive development, and bolster emotional regulation. It is an opportunity for the professionals in public and private educational institutions and those working with children with various learning challenges to develop and grow in their roles as educators and support staff.

What to Expect...
In a School Professional Development session, you are provided with a checklist of concerns and observations of the children you are working with ahead of time. Then a program specifically tailored to the needs and concerns of your students and clients is designed and brought to your workplace on a scheduled date. In a 1-3 hour session, Angela provides you and your team with remedial exercises including Rhythmic Movements, stretches, strengthening, and child-based meditation and mindfulness practices with which to support your learners and the development of your own professional practice.

Anticipated Results…
With actionable and effective strategies and exercises in your professional toolbelt, you will be better able to assist the learning and development of your students and clients. You will find the students exhibiting more empowered self regulation in emotional and cognitive health, and the resistances and challenges to learning will dissipate and lessen. You will further develop relaxed confidence in your personal contributions to work, as these exercises and practices will help you too - just like they help the kids!

Who can benefit the most from School Professional Development
Those who work with children with developmental challenges, learning difficulties, and those struggling with emotional regulation and focus will greatly benefit from this service.
The exercises are utilised well for movement breaks, calming the mind and nervous system, and even alleviating physical pain and postural dysfunction in children and adults. The program may be designed for your students and clients, but the exercises are beneficial and applicable to just about everyone!